(Article for publication 10-29- AD 2015)
through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast
up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people"
(Isaiah 62:10).
First let us set in context our verse. The context is opening
the gates and preparing the highway for the Latter Day Glory of the Church.
God's ministers are to hold not their peace, and preach and pray until the Lord
shall make His Church a praise in all the earth. They are to remove every stone
which hinders the entry of saved sinners into the kingdom. They are to hold up
the standard that all may see Christ and His glorious kingdom. The standard
that we are to lift up is the word of God. It is the only infallible standard
on earth. Having shown you briefly something of the sense of our text, I now
wish to hold up the standard of God's word as it pertains to the Confederate
Flag, a standard also that needs to be lifted up.
I will confess
to you that I am somewhat reticent to write upon this subject. My reticence is
not for lack of zeal for my subject. My only reluctance in taking this as my
subject is that I would prefer to be writing on the Person and Work of Christ,
the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, the electing love of the Father and
related themes. The Narrow Way is a gospel column, not a political column, and
we hope to always keep that before our readers. However, we have not shied away
from writing on political subjects as they relate to the gospel and we have
felt compelled to shed forth Biblical light upon subjects related to the
commonwealth. The fact is that everything is to be considered in the light of
the Word of God. There is no part of life that is isolated from the scriptures.
We are to bring every thought captive to the word of God (II Corinthians 10:5).
Some liberal preachers and preacherettes
have lambasted the Confederate Flag, and the Mississippi Flag, and one
scalawag politician in this state has renounced our flag, very piously saying
he is opposed to our flag because of his "religious" convictions. We
have to question what this man's religious convictions are. We also solemnly
remind him and all of you that you can be as religious as all get out and be as
lost as a goose. The fact is that Christ will send multitudes of
"religious" people to hell (Matthew 7:21-23). Now, I am not suggesting
that everyone who is opposed to our Flag is lost, nor am I suggesting that
everyone who loves it is saved- not hardly. What I am declaring is that a
"religious conviction" that is based on anything other than
"thus saith the scriptures" is not worth a hoot in hell. If people
claim they are opposed to our Flag for religious reasons, they need to be ready
to tell us what their religion is and whether or not they hold to the
scriptures as the infallible word of God. And I am declaring that there is not
anything in scripture that is opposed to Our Flag, either by direct command,
general principle, or necessary consequence.
Now first of all, let us consider that the Flag itself
is a thing indifferent, that is, there is no right or wrong about it per se.
Secondly, let me renounce as plainly as I can the practice of flying flags in
the meeting house of the Church. The Church is comprised of elect sinners from
every nation. The True Church of Christ is not limited to any nation. Let no
one suppose because they are "patriotic" that they are a Christian.
There are multitudes of "flag waving" republicans and democrats that
are going to bust hell wide open because they do not know the Lord Jesus
Christ. There are multitudes who have pledged "allegiance" to the
flag of the United States who have never pledged allegiance to the Lord Jesus
Christ. (I told you this is a gospel column, and no matter what our subject is
we are always demanding that you lay down your arms of rebellion and surrender
to the Lordship of God's Eternal Son.) Well, I am sure some of you are
wondering, if the Flag is a thing indifferent in and of itself, why take time
to write on it or come to its defence? Well , we are running out of space, so
the main message will have to wait until next week. But let me say in closing
that since the liberals in church and state have renounced the Confederate Flag
and the Mississippi Flag, and with much declared "piety", it is
incumbent that conservative Bible believers cast out the stones and lift up the
standard so that the real issues may be understood. So finally, let me say that
our State Flag should continue to fly first of all because of honour to our
Fathers and our Mothers. Secondly, our Flag should continue to fly because it
represents opposition to tyranny, a Biblical precept. More next week, Deo